viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Blog Review

Hello Readers!

Today, I will talk about the experience writing blogs for me duration in the semester.
The Blog that I enjoyed most, were the blogs about something that I like to do outside (past post); the blog that I least enjoyed is the "a phone app", because I use the whatsapp only. The blog I enjoyed reading were the Karen´s blog: "a special place", that talk about a Quinta Normal Park.
My English improved, because now I can to write some paragraph (two or three) and before I could not to write most the one. Now I can form sentences more easily than before, so I like to write blogs every Friday.
The things that I liked were writing about subjects that were not boring in most cases, it was nice to write them; also served to know the tastes of classmates, according to the topic that had to write, mainly those of my classmates Karen, Carlos and Elias. On the other hand, the things I did not like were the minimum number of words that were written per blog [200 words], since it is difficult for me to write in English and they were many.

This is for day, the last blog!
Goodbye everybody

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

Something that I like to do outside

Hello readers!

Today, I will talk about something that I like to do outside. For me it's handball and soccer; On the one hand, soccer is a sport played with a ball, in which 2 teams meet in a game and the one that scores the most goals wins the game. 

                 Image 1: Soccer game
I play soccer since I was about 8 years old, I played in school and in a court that is in front of my house, I like it because it entertains me, there is no considerable reason, I played for the last time about a month ago.

Image 2: Handball game [Argentine vs Hungary].
The handball is a collective sport, which is played with the hand, in which there are also 2 teams in a game and the one that scores the most goals wins the game, I play handball from 1 and a half years ago, when I joined the Handball general training sports course, game in the FAU and in JGM, I like it because it entertains my days Monday and Wednesday and I played for the last time this past Saturday.

This is for day,
See you a next post!
Goodbye everybody.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

A Toy

Hello bloggers!

Today, I will talk about a toy I had as a child; a toy car (see image number 1). It is not the great wonder, but is one of the few toys that remember. It looked like beautiful, the red color (although I was not fond of the car).
I had it when had four, five and six years in the 2003, 2004 and 2005 approximately, when I was in kindergarten in Santiago. I remember that I was play in my house, but nothing more.

Other toy, is the "bolitas" or calls "canicas" (in Chile), they are glass (See Image number 2). It was the multiple colors (red, blue, green, black, white, yellow, brown, among others), different sise (small, big), different styles (combination the colors and different scales of the transparency). I had it when had between four and eleven years (until 2009 approximately). I played with my friends (Dante, Benjamín, Rocio, Sergio y Andrés); These are the toy that more I remember the my childhood, with the which I lived many good times, in the school and the house in Santiago and Talca that wich is where I have lived.

                                                               Image N°1: A red car.

                                                              Image N°2: Canicas.

This is for day, 
See you a next post!
Goodbye everybody.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

A Birthday

Hello readers!

Today I will talk about a birthday that I remember; It was when I turned 18 in 2015. That day I invited my closest friends to eat and drink. But first, that day, my aunt and uncle visited me in the afternoon and together with my mother and my grandmother we had a good meal, with cake.

Well, at night my friends came, each with food or drinks; between all we armed the "anticuchos" [with a lot of meat lol]. We stayed until 2 a.m. conversing and laughing at many anecdotes or jokes that had happened to each one; this was on November 14, 2015, on Saturday. I was with Cristofer, Sebastian, Danitza, Camila, Pablo, Ignacio and Andrea, all classmates, except Andrea, who was a co-worker. It has been the birthday that I remember the most, because it was the first one I celebrated with friends, [I used to celebrate only with my family]; also that the following year I was studying geography at the University of Chile in Santiago, so it was my last birthday with my friends from Talca. 

There are other birthdays that I remember, mainly the last 2 [in Santiago] the years 2016 and 2017; 2016 was also very nice, as my friends bought a small cake secretly from me and they sang my birthday outside of a classroom [C14]; It was exciting because it made me feel important by them, being that it was difficult for me to be away from my family.

This is for day,
See you a next post!
Goodbye everybody

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

A Phone APP

Hello readers!

Today I will talk about a phone app that I use more, I speak to you about "Whatsapp",that  I occupies almost everyone days. Is an applicaton the instant messaging, that it works with internet. The words "WhatsApp" it come from the English language; of the expression "¿What´s up?", that next to the word "app= application" formed the word "WhatsApp". Up until a couple of years ago, I communicated for calls with my family and friends, but since the year 2014, I bought a phone with system "android", so, I could install the APP "Whatsapp". I use the application because I can communicate with instant message with my family, friends, classmates the University and others.  I use everyday, all day. I like it use because is a good tool for communicate with the rest; besides the application has a beautiful interface, with good green color, beautiful logo with a phone inside a message icon.

It is application, however has its bad things, as the dependence that create in the people, on the cell phone; that does not allow at the people in occasions can perform common activities, as eat, converse with the family or friends or classmates face to face, among others. 

Icon the "WhatsApp"

This is for day,Th 
See you a next day, in a new post

Goodbye everybody 

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

A Song you like from 2018

Hello readers!

Today I would like talk about a song created this year; but I have not liked any song hahaha, so I'll talk about a song that I've been listening to since this year; Well, the truth is that I listened to it when I was child [approximately ten years ago] but my pleasures were changing, until this year, remembering old songs, I meet with the Chilean group "Kudai", which was the one that I listened when it was more child; the song is called "Morir de amor" created in 2008. The song is of the "pop" musical style, which in its lyrics talks about both physical and psychological violence in a couple's relationship on the part of the man towards the woman and the the same time transmit a message that there should be no violence by either of them. I like it for several reasons: the first is that it has a good musical background instrumentally that gives it a good rhythm; the second is the message that gives society about violence and the third is because I like the Kudai group.

Here is the link of the song
       Official video clip


Álbum "Nadha"

This is for today,
See you in a next post!

Goodbye everybody.

Blog Review Hello Readers! Today, I will talk about the experience writing blogs for me duration in the semester. The Blog that...