viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

A Toy

Hello bloggers!

Today, I will talk about a toy I had as a child; a toy car (see image number 1). It is not the great wonder, but is one of the few toys that remember. It looked like beautiful, the red color (although I was not fond of the car).
I had it when had four, five and six years in the 2003, 2004 and 2005 approximately, when I was in kindergarten in Santiago. I remember that I was play in my house, but nothing more.

Other toy, is the "bolitas" or calls "canicas" (in Chile), they are glass (See Image number 2). It was the multiple colors (red, blue, green, black, white, yellow, brown, among others), different sise (small, big), different styles (combination the colors and different scales of the transparency). I had it when had between four and eleven years (until 2009 approximately). I played with my friends (Dante, Benjamín, Rocio, Sergio y Andrés); These are the toy that more I remember the my childhood, with the which I lived many good times, in the school and the house in Santiago and Talca that wich is where I have lived.

                                                               Image N°1: A red car.

                                                              Image N°2: Canicas.

This is for day, 
See you a next post!
Goodbye everybody.

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