viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

A Hobby

Hello readers!

Today i will talk about on of my favourite hobbies; the table-tennis. I started play table-tennis aged 14-15 years in my School in Talca. When i started play I was more good that now, because I practiced more, but now for little time i play less. Before, in my school we played in the class the Physical Education when it was rainning; It was hours of play with my classmates and started to like very; sometimes we played after the pre-university the saturday. When I got in the university, in the First semestry and i had time, I played more that now. 

I play table-tennis depending on the time I have, but mainly in the beginning of the semestry, when make with anticipation my works of Geography.

Other Hobby I have is listenning to music, when i go to university, when study, when play in my computer, when i make my homeworks, when i traveled, among others.

I listenning to music since 9 years, for me is relaxing and i feel very good. I have not a specific music style, since I listenning everything gender musical.

That is all for today, with respect my hobbies.

See you a next post!

Goodbye everybody.

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