viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Blog Review

Hello Readers!

Today, I will talk about the experience writing blogs for me duration in the semester.
The Blog that I enjoyed most, were the blogs about something that I like to do outside (past post); the blog that I least enjoyed is the "a phone app", because I use the whatsapp only. The blog I enjoyed reading were the Karen´s blog: "a special place", that talk about a Quinta Normal Park.
My English improved, because now I can to write some paragraph (two or three) and before I could not to write most the one. Now I can form sentences more easily than before, so I like to write blogs every Friday.
The things that I liked were writing about subjects that were not boring in most cases, it was nice to write them; also served to know the tastes of classmates, according to the topic that had to write, mainly those of my classmates Karen, Carlos and Elias. On the other hand, the things I did not like were the minimum number of words that were written per blog [200 words], since it is difficult for me to write in English and they were many.

This is for day, the last blog!
Goodbye everybody

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Blog Review Hello Readers! Today, I will talk about the experience writing blogs for me duration in the semester. The Blog that...